A relationship that works for you

All calls answered in less than 30 seconds.

Front-line access to competitive real-time exchange rates.

Tailored risk strategies with live market updates across all local currencies.

24/7 support and guidance about using our platform technology.

Your own dedicated personal trader

Personal Trader 2 by Imperial Currencies

Our Expertise

Always delivering exceptional service.

Your personal trader is part of a team of dedicated and experienced currency exchange specialists. Our team undertakes extensive market monitoring and analysis, applying its wealth of knowledge into providing you with competitive exchange rates.
With our unrivalled, friendly, proactive approach, we are always ready to listen and learn how best to provide a service that works for you. Click here to get started.

Personal Trader 3 by Imperial Currencies

Service Delivery

Professionalism in everything we do.

Our specialists are always ready to deliver a best-in-class service to you.
With our powerful cloud-based payment platform, tier 1 liquidity network and highly efficient staff, we will always ensure your payments are sent on time and to the correct destinations.
Ready and waiting, our team are ready to professionally manage all aspects of your payment process.

Personal Trader 4 by Imperial Currencies

24/7 Support

Always on hand to help.

Each of our customers receives a friendly, personal and highly efficient service regardless of the purpose of the transaction or the amounts involved. Our specialists ensure that everything is explained transparently, without any jargon.
We’re always here to talk, online or over the phone, to help serve you in all aspects of managing your account; including front-to-back-end on-boarding, receiving and sending payments.

Personal Trader 6 by Imperial Currencies

Spot and Forward Products

We cater to all clients, big and small.

Our team of trading experts will ensure you have all the financial tools you need to help you safeguard your business capital against market risks.
Your dedicated personal trader is always on hand to discuss the most appropriate spot and forward products and competitive exchange rates in the market every time. Find out more here.

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